Public Board of Directors papers 241122
1. Safe
1.6 – Harm Free Care
The target for 2022/23 is no more than 26 category 2, deep tissue injuries or unstageable pressure ulcers (or less than 0.5/1000bed occupied days a month). No patients have developed category 3 or 4 pressure ulcers.
There were 12 in-patient falls with harm in October - 10 with minor harm and 2 with moderate. This has been driven by an increase in one clinical area which is being further investigated. There were 6.6 falls per 1000 occupied bed days in month, and 3.7 over the year This compares to a national average of 6.63 falls per 1000 occupied bed days The trust target is no more than 3.35 falls per 1000 occupied bed days
All harms are discussed at Friday FoCUS (a multi-professional forum for shared learning) 41
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