Public Board of Directors papers 241122
Agenda item 38/22b
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 24 th November 2022 Workforce Assurance Committee report – November 2022
1 Introduction The Workforce Assurance Committee took place on 8 th November 2022. The following summary gives the Board information on the items that were considered, and any actions required by the Board. 2 Quality Assurance Committee agenda items The items listed below were all presented to the Workforce Assurance Committee for assurance in November. Agenda item BAF reference Assurance rating given Key points and associated action (where applicable)
The Christie People Plan
7.1 - 7.5
Committee supportive of the plan and to seek further assurance from specific outcome measures. A deep dive review of sickness identified for presentation at the next meeting. Committee supportive of the plan, assurance to be further measured by the outcomes and reported to the Committee. Committee supportive of the WRES and WDES action plans, assurance to be further measured by the implementation progress and reported to the Committee. Committee supportive of the plan, which has milestones in place to monitor progression. Assurance to be further measured by the implementation progress. No exception reports within the period and no fines issued. No concerns noted within the report. E-Roster review completed with substantial assurance achieved. Good practice overview provided to the Committee along with detail in relation to the recommendations from the review.
Culture/Values and Behaviours update
WRES and WDES Annual Submission
Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2021/22
Guardian of Safe Working Hours Report
Safe Staffing Six Monthly Report
Internal Audit Progress Report
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