Public BoD papers 28.04.22

5. Well-Led

5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary)

YTD Budget YTD Actual




£'000 (1,642)

This report outlines the consolidated financial performance of The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and its wholly owned subsidiary The Christie Pharmacy Ltd.

NHS Clinical - Block Contract Income

(308,919) (7,920) (17,130) (9,563) (51,936) (395,468) 172,365 97,229 81,889 351,483 (43,986) (5,809) 34,402 (15,393) (8,000) 17,130

(310,561) (8,380) (15,596) (9,619) (67,464) (411,620) 171,504 99,610 97,253 368,367 (43,252) (6,290) 18,559 (30,984)

NHS Clinical Income

(460) 1,534

Charitably funded capital donations

Donated CEF grant income Other non clinical income


(15,528) (16,151) (861) 2,382 15,364 16,885 (15,843) (15,591) 15,916 (1,534) 733 (482)



I&E • The Trust achieved a year end position of £87k surplus (in month deficit of £989k against an agreed nil balance control total for the year which reflects the new GM financial arrangements in place for M1-12). • The month 12 EBITDA position is a surplus of £43.252m • The month 12 I&E surplus is £30.984m, prior to adjusting for donated depreciation, charitably funded capital donations, donated grant income, donated consumables, transfers by absorption and impairments. • 2021-22 CIP has been achieved through underspends on pay within divisions. Balance sheet / liquidity • The cash balance is £152,205k. • Debtor days reduced from 13 to 12 days from the previous month. • Capital expenditure is 107.7% of the NHSI plan & 110.6% of the reduced £2.5m NHSI plan. Other • The TCPC position for the 3 months period ending 31 March 2022 reports a distributable profit of £2.6m. The Trust share of the 2022 TCPC distributable profit will be reflected in the Trust financial performance based on the contractual arrangements of the TCPC . • 30 day PSPP is at 97% for trade and 90% NHS.


Other non pay

Total expenditure


Non operating income Non operating expenditure

(Surplus) / Deficit Exclude impairments

7,916 15,596 9,619 (3,071)

Exclude charitably funded capital donations Exclude donated CEF grant income



Exclude donated depreciation



Exclude consumables donated from DHSC

0 0 0 0



Exclude contributions to expenditure - inventory donated Exclude gains/(losses) from transfers by absorption Adjusted financial performance (surplus) / deficit







Exchequer Cash Balances 2021-22





Cash balances





Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22



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