Public BoD papers 28.04.22

about 30 in the daily huddles. The Tuesday Trust-wide huddle has about 70 people. KR noted that Coffee with Roger is a great idea. CO applauded the Trust on the efforts to maintain communication. c Audit Committee report GP noted that there are no items to escalate. The committee agreed the draft internal audit plan in this meeting. d Quality Assurance Committee report KW noted the report of the last committee meeting. There were no formal escalations. KW noted that there was a report with the progress with the NHSEI Review action plan on R&I. The key point was that the response to the review is complete. There are agreed actions against all the recommendations. It was also noted that there is continued work around this including the R&I Strategy that will come back to Board as well as the OD plans. Oversight will continue through the committees and Board. CO noted the importance of research at The Christie and with that in mind it is extremely important for the Board to support FB and the R&I teams. FB noted that there was a meeting of 120 R&I staff yesterday where the report was discussed, and the feedback has been very positive. There was recognition of the work that’s been undertaken and work that needs to be done. Freedom to speak was stressed and there was a lot of openness and honesty. It showed major progress with the culture in the division. FB noted that a lot of the added value of working at The Christie comes from our research division to support the ambitions of staff. This supports our recruitment. Noted. 14/22 Any other business No items raised.

Date and time of the next meeting Thursday 28 th April 2022 at 12:45pm


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