Public BoD papers 28.04.22

that we are looking at recruiting a diverse workforce and looking at our processes across recruitment and on boarding. f Staff survey 2021 results EL noted a 44% response rate (48% last year), this is below average, and we will focus on improving this for the next survey. We are above average or average in all areas apart from 2. National trends and comparative breakdown was shown with specific examples from each area. Comparisons with other oncology providers show us on a level with both. Going forward the team are working with areas on wellbeing and the RESPECT campaign. EL noted the listening events, staff network groups, nurse and new starter forums. The results are used alongside these other mechanisms. Next steps and timelines were outlined. AM asked how EL felt about the results and the impact of external factors. EL expected some deterioration and Covid has had an impact. Pay is also an impact. Staff are feeling tired, but we do need to ensure we are delivering the best experience possible to our staff despite the external factors that are outside of our control. GP noted his appreciation of the recognition of internal factors as well as external. GP asked about getting staff to generate the priorities and what they want. EL noted this is the approach we are taking, and our priorities will be based on conversations with staff. This will determine focus and solutions locally. CO noted the importance of our staff in everything we do. g Digital update BD noted the update, more focus will come to a future Board Time Out to look at the Digital Strategy. BD also noted that the CIO post is out for advert. ARP outlined the objectives and progress against them. He focused on the increased likelihood of a cyber-attack. We continue to respond to asks from NHS Digital and a lot of work is underway to defend the Trust against these threats. A task force is in place to address. BD noted that all business continuity plans are being reviewed with cyber-attack threats in mind. We have successfully bid for £5m over 3 years for digital projects. We have secured a 2-year plan to develop our EPR. The last 6-month period we have had a new Clinical Chief Information Officer (CCIO), Dr Nash Gupta who has made an immediate impact. AM asked about the internal risks and progress. ARP noted there has been good progress and placement students are coming into the Trust to support staff. Workforce related issues are being addressed. Infrastructure engineers are at a shortfall across GM, but we are managing the risks. RA thanked the team for the report and noted the improvement in the content. He asked about the vacancies. ARP noted that there has been a focus on maximising recruitment to vacancies across all departments. JM asked how our EPR connects with the wider patch. ARP noted we are speaking to the Cheshire to improve links; we are following the national strategy and do have the links. NHS Digital want to use us a case study. JM asked if all junior staff have access to Attend Anywhere and whether we have renewed the contract. ARP noted that he will look at all junior staff having this access and we have renewed the contract.


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