Public BoD papers 28.04.22

a level 4 incident and continue to provide mutual aid in surgical care and some diagnostics. Today there are 133 staff absent and 20 covid positive inpatients. All services are continuing to be delivered. We do not have a build up of patients waiting but are dealing with some late referrals that we are treating as quickly as possible. RS noted the item on the GM position and continued movement to a GM ICS which will come into being on 1 st July. The CEO and Chair have been appointed. b Integrated performance, quality & finance report BD outlined the key points from the report for month 11. Safe: 1 SI incident, 0 Never Events, 1 Major & 4 moderate incidents, 3 Corporate risk 15+, 2 risks at 20 – cyber security and staff health & wellbeing, 1 risk at 15 Effective: 0 cases MRSA bacteraemia, 3 cases C.diff with no lapses in care, 1 case E-Coli post 48 hours, 0 Covid nosocomial infections Responsive: 8 new complaints received in month (1 above average), 47 PALS contacts, 4 Inquest requests, average LOS is 6.29 days, 3 cancelled operations on the day in month due to CCU capacity. Access: 18 Weeks 99.0%, 62-day performance has improved to 76.0%, 24 day performance 83.0%, 31 day performance 97.5%, we have 23 ‘104 day’ waiters, and referrals are within the predicted range. There is a consultation taking place on the Cancer Waiting Times, Standards – replacing the 2 week wait with a faster diagnosis 28 day standard (FDS). Merging the 31/62 day standards. Further guidance on upgrades and looking at including other cancers not previously in scope. We are responding through GM Cancer. Activity is predominantly back to 2019/20 levels. Surgical operations are behind plan due to a reduction in minor surgery cases (plastics). HR metrics – there is a continued dip in PDR and training rates impacted by increased levels of sickness due to covid. Focus has been on maintaining services. Each area has a plan for getting on track with PDRs and training. There are no swings or changes in our financial position. Surplus £1.076m against plan, EBITDA surplus £41.961m, I&E surplus £17.411m, Cash balance £167,227k, Debtor days of 13, Capital expenditure at 91% against the NHSI plan and at 95.1% against the reduced £2.5m NHSI plan. BD invited questions. CO asked about long waiters and what the issues are for us. BD noted that many need their diagnostics repeating that creates a delay. Capacity is not the issue, but flow can cause issues with Covid impact etc. RA asked about settlement costs in claims and if this was paid by the NHSLA. BD to feed back. GP asked about the workforce challenges and gaps nationally. BD noted that we have a good pipeline of recruitment coming through and future planning and strategies going forward. We are looking at local opportunities and the use of transformation projects, so we use professionals in the best way with innovative staffing models. Report noted. BD c Six monthly compliance with NICE safe staffing guidelines JY noted the report and the professional perspectives of the ward leaders. This


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