Public BoD papers 28.04.22
The Integrated Performance, Quality & Finance report presents a summary dashboard that provides an overview of performance.
Safe • There were 3 incidents reported with the classification of death, 1 as major and 8 as moderate in March, details of which can be found on slides 8 & 9. All the incidents are still progressing through to full root cause analysis. No never events were reported in month. • Slide 10 provides details of shared learning from incidents following Executive Reviews. • There are 3 Trust level risks scored at 15+. Details of these can be found on slide 13. • Safer staffing numbers in some areas are lower than our standard due to an increase in the number of covid related absences amongst registered and non registered nursing staff. Despite the reduced levels in some areas all shifts have been staffed to the required acuity levels to ensure appropriate levels of safety and care for our patients. Responsive • The 62 day cancer waiting time standards have not been met in March. Our position subject to validation is 80.6% for 62 days and 78.7% for upgrades. Within the 62 day performance we also failed to achieve the internal 24 day standard with a performance of 81.9%. All 62 and 24 day breaches are reviewed to ensure any delays are understood and plans can be implemented to mitigate any future delays . The number of patients waiting over 104 days as at the end of the month remains high but has reduced from February. The majority of these patients were referred late in the pathway. The large majority of these patients are referred to the Trust over day 100. All 31 day targets and 18 week RTT standards have been achieved in March. Performance against the CWT thresholds is constantly monitored. • Referrals in March increased from February and were above the 19/20 comparison average. At month 12 cumulative referrals in 21/22 are slightly above 19/20 levels and this trend is expected to continue in to 22/23. • Activity levels in most areas are above GM recovery plans and in some areas consistent with or above 19/20 levels. New attendances are showing as above 19/20 levels, as are outpatient follow ups. Chemotherapy deliveries are also slightly above 19/20 levels. Surgical operations and radiotherapy fractions remain behind 19/20 levels. Effective • There have been no cases of MRSA bacteraemia. There have been 2 cases of C-Difficile that were attributable to the trust in March with no lapses in care identified. • There were 20 cases of hospital acquired nosocomial Covid-19 infections in March due to outbreaks in various ward areas. Well – Led • The Trust achieved a year end position of £87k surplus (in month deficit of £989k against an agreed nil balance control total for the year which reflects the new GM financial arrangements in place for M1-12). • The month 12 I&E surplus is £30.984m, prior to adjusting for donated depreciation, charitably funded capital donations, donated grant income, donated consumables, transfers by absorption and impairments. • The cash balance is £152,205k. • The Trust is showing a Capital overspend at Month 12 of £7,217k, which equates to 7.7% overperformance against the NHSEI plan and £9,717k (10.6%) overperformance against the reduced £2.5m NHSI plan. This reflects the significant additional PDC funding and the PSDS green energy grant secured by the Trust 24
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