Public BoD papers 28.04.22
Agenda Item 17/22a
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 28 th April 2022
Subject / Title
Board Assurance Framework 2021/22
Louise Westcott, Company Secretary
Presented by
Chief Executive Officer
This paper provides the board with the year-end Board Assurance Framework that summarises the risks to achievement of the corporate objectives 2021/22. The cover paper gives detail of any recent changes. To note the year-end position of the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) 2021/22 Board assurance framework 2020/21. Corporate objectives 2021/22, operational plan and revenue and capital plan 2020/21.
Summary / purpose of paper
Background papers
Risk score
• Trust’s strategic direction • Divisional implementation plans • Our Strategy • Key stakeholder relationships
Link to: Trust strategy Corporate objectives
BAF Board assurance framework CN&EDoQ Chief nurse & executive director of quality EDoF&BD Executive director of finance & business development EMD Executive medical director COO Chief operating officer DoW Director of workforce
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