Public BoD papers 28.04.22
Agenda item 16/22c
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Thursday 28th April 2022
Subject / Title
Research and Innovation Update
Prof Fiona Blackhall, Director of Research and Innovation
Presented by
Prof Fiona Blackhall
Summary / purpose of paper Recommendation(s) Background Papers
To provide The Board with progress against objectives of The Research and Innovation Division
To note and appraise evidence of progress
Research and Innovation Update 28 th October 34/21c
To be an international leader in research and innovation which leads to direct patient benefits at all stages of the cancer journey Work in collaboration with regional, national and international research partners to provide world class cancer research Performance - increase research activity and income Reduce disparity in research participation
Link to : Trust strategy
Academic Investment Plan (AIP) Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (ATTC) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Care Quality Commmission (CQC) Date site confirmed (DSC) Date Site Selected (DSS) First Patient Recruited (FPR) Experimental Cancer Medicines Centre (ECMC) Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU)
You are reminded not to use acronyms or abbreviations wherever possible. However, if they appear in the attached paper, please
Health Research Authority (HRA) Human Tissue Authority (HTA)
Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) Manchester Clinical Research Facility (MCRF) Manchester Clinical Trials Unit (MCTU) Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC) MIAA (Mersey Internal Audit Agency) Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
list them in the adjacent box.
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) National Institute for Cancer Research (NCRI) Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Royal College of Radiologists (RCR)
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