Public BoD papers 28.04.22

0 Board agenda 28.04.221
15-22c Draft Board minutes 31.03.222
15-22d Action plan rolling programme10 - 11
2021-2210 - 11
15-22d(ii) Action log - Public items14 - 15
16-22a CEO Update16
Chief executive’s report17
16-22b IPQFR March 202226 - 27
Slide Number 126 - 27
1.1 - Incident Reporting36 - 37
1.2 - Serious Incidents and Never Events38 - 39
1.3 – Moderate+ Incidents40 - 41
1.3 – Moderate+ Incidents42 - 43
1.4 – Learning - Patient Safety Incidents44 - 45
1.5 - Radiation Incidents46 - 47
1.6 – Harm Free Care48 - 49
Slide Number 1350 - 51
Slide Number 1452 - 53
Slide Number 1554 - 55
Slide Number 1656 - 57
3.1 - Cancer Standards58 - 59
3.2 – Referrals Analysis60 - 61
3.3 – Length of Stay62 - 63
3.4 – Activity64 - 65
3.4 – Activity66 - 67
3.5 - Complaints68 - 69
3.5 - PALS70 - 71
3.6 - Inquests72 - 73
3.7 - Claims74 - 75
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections76 - 77
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections78 - 79
4.2 – COVID-19 Testing80 - 81
4.3 - Mortality Indicators & Survival Rates82 - 83
4.4 - Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit84 - 85
4.5 - NICE Guidance86 - 87
4.6 - HR Metrics (Sickness)88 - 89
4.7 - HR Metrics (PDRs & Essential Training)90 - 91
4.8 - Workforce Metrics92 - 93
5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary)94 - 95
5.2 - Finance (Income)96 - 97
5.3 - Finance (Expenditure)98 - 99
5.4 - Finance (Capital)100 - 101
16-22c R & I Report April 2022102
To provide The Board with progress against objectives of The Research and Innovation Division102
Summary / purpose of paper102
16-22d FTSU 2021-2022 six month report TB Oct-Mar 22112
17-22a BAF cover paper135
17-22ai BAF 21-22138 - 139
Sheet1138 - 139
18-22c Register of documents approved by the board public 2021-22144
18-22d Audit report148

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