Public BoD papers 26.5.22
1. Safe
1.7 - Corporate Risks
There are 5 Trust-wide 15+ risks in April 2 risks reduced in score (2438) (3259) 1 risk moved to a corporate risk (3218) and 1 new risk (3259) Description Score Controls
Process implemented to review patient impact of each breach – reported to Quality Assurance Committee Covid 19 impact - treating patients in line with the national priority categories as part of GM Hub - weekly escalation with GM cancer and other organisations Review of all breach pathways and referral pathways Weekly PTL med onc – (Monitoring of first appointment times, Additional OP capacity to reduce delays to first appt, Monitoring of first appointment times) clin onc – (weekly scheduling review for brachy, Close monitoring of seed delivery times, Review of breach pathways to identify trends and issues, Monitoring of first appointment times) Immediate reminder to The Christie Hotline asking that call calls received from patients who are within 7 days of an invasive procedure are discussed with a registrar grade doctor Immediate changes to Hotline proforma requested to re-iterate above. Potential controls: Full service review of Hotline Review of current triage tool usage Pathway and Harm reviews for all breaches PTL focused meeting for patients over 80 days surgery - (6 week forward view, Weekly scheduling review, Daily operational review, GM hub)
Risk to delayed cancer referral and treatments due to not meeting 24 / 62 day target (ID 2407)
There is a risk that patient's may be mis-triaged by The Christie Hotline resulting in missed opportunities to review patients. (3259)
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