Public BoD papers 26.5.22

3. Greater Manchester Research Celebration Week Greater Manchester Research Celebration Week 2022 took place week commencing 6 th May 2022. Research achievements made across Greater Manchester, East Cheshire and East Lancashire in 2021/22 were recognised during a weeklong celebration. Highlights from The Christie included: The past year has been accelerated recovery with 166 new studies set up – a 46% increase in activity from the previous year and a 19% increase from 2018/19 which was of course the last full Covid free year. Our current portfolio spans 913 phase I, II, III and IV studies in various stages of set up, open, closed to recruitment, follow up and analysis of clinical outcomes, with 35% of our currently open studies being early phase The Christie recently positioned 9 th out of the 189 trusts nationally for performance in terms of studies initiated in clinical research. Recruiting to time and target has been maintained at around 50% of studies, a rate higher than other cancer centres and in line with the mixed portfolio of clinical research and challenges of Covid-19


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