Public BoD papers 26.5.22
The new strategy specifically for Trusts focuses on: • People and communities - People’s experiences and concerns • Smarter regulati on - More flexible and dynamic assessments, update ratings more often and smarter use of data • Safety through learni ng - Learning and improvement from safety concerns • Accelerating improvement - Target the priority areas that need support the most to drive improvement A more effective regulation in the future is hoped to be achieved by: • A new regulatory model • Introduction of a single assessment framework from point of registration • Introduction of more system level assessments • Introduction of new ways to collect, use and share information from the public, providers and wider system partners. The single assessment framework proposes a move away from single set time inspections towards greater emphasis on ‘insights’, tracking how people’s experiences have been used and ‘intelligence’ monitoring with inspections at multiple points in time. A series of ‘quality statements’ are yet to be confirmed. These statements focus on ‘we’: providers, leaders and systems, and are likely to form the basis of the assurance monitoring when piloted and implemented throughout 2022/23.
Despite the pandemic, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust has maintained its focus on quality assurance through its governance structures. It has also continued CQC engagement meetings, which will continue throughout 2022/23.
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