Public BoD papers 26.5.22
5.2 Organisation Vision Although significant progress has been made in the last year, sustainability is still not fully embedded into the organisational culture as evidenced by a lack of a clear corporate objective around delivering a net zero service. The corporate objective would then need to be reflected in Trust governance and policy. This would include ensuring that there is a sustainable impact assessment for business cases. 5.3 Workforce and system leadership Training is required to ensure that all staff understand the commitments around delivering a net zero service and how climate change will impact the service we provide at this Trust. This will help to embed sustainability into operations and governance, create sustainable improvements and change culture. Through education we will be able to support incorporating the ‘triple bottom line’ into care pathways and implement environment, financial and social improvements to the service. 5.4 Finance Budget constraints and access to financial capital is limited, with growing pressure on services and the re-direction of finances to the Covid-19 pandemic and frontline services. If the Christie is to reach the NHS net zero targets we will require significant access to capital. The cost to achieve net zero is not included here as there is no reliable way of doing this at present. In addition, there is no dedicated funding to support the delivery of the SDMP actions. 5.5 Travel & Transport All NHS organisations in performing their obligations under the NHS Standard Contract 2022/2023 must take action to reduce air pollution from fleet vehicles, transitioning as quickly as reasonably practicable to use exclusively Zero and Ultra- Low Emission Vehicles. Currently there are no restrictions in place at the Trust and no fleet vehicles onsite are compliant with these emission standards. These stands also apply to the staff salary sacrifice scheme which at present does not have restriction in place. 5.6 Adaptation Climate change is already happening. There is a clear and immediate need for the reducing our carbon emissions to net zero, and to adapt to the impacts of climate change that can’t be avoided. Building resilience into the system as it protects and promotes the health of populations now and in the future.
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