Public BoD papers 26.5.22
As such, there is need for a more overarching ‘brand’ to replace SoO, recognising that education, training and professional development are the remit of colleagues in e.g., Workforce, Radiotherapy, nursing/AHP practice facilitators as well as the School. Whilst work is underway in the evolution of SoO/education within the organisation, we are adopting a more unified terminology of Christie Education , recognising partnership in both the design and delivery of learning. Headline Activity This report is focused round the 4 key Education workstreams, each aligned to overall Christie corporate objectives. Headline activity: 1.1 Undergraduate taught placements: Good recovery (accommodating increased numbers, including through use of virtual placements with award winning innovation in nursing and radiotherapy education). Projected further growth, in medicine and nursing (CPEP), which will require commitment/support at all levels to enable delivery alongside clinical activity recovery targets 1.2 Postgraduate medical education: Operating fully but very dependent on a small supervisor faculty to maintain. Internal evaluation highlights satisfaction with education per se, but less so with transitions into practice, trainee support and supervision which may impact on GMC National Training Survey. Comprehensive action plan developed and now being enacted between PGME team (e.g., enhanced supervision support, transitions into practice, trainee led activities, rota enhancements) and Medical Director’s office (service enhancement plans) 1.3 Developing current and future staff potential: Operating fully. Comprehensive range of static and bespoke clinical skills training, support for apprenticeships and kickstarts. Planned external review by Skills for Health of current internal provision. Current work on creation of a new People Development Group as a joint initiative between Education and Workforce to ensure maximal alignment of fully inclusive and accessible education/training against need for all workforce areas. 1.4 National and global cancer education. Operating virtually and fully, benefiting from technology enhanced design. No negative impact to external national high-profile activity (PET-CT, Gateway C, Maguire). Fellowship programme operating well, with active international educational partnership development. Strategic focus on hybrid/hyflex/asynchronous operating models to maximise activity/engagement 2. Overall risk score The BAF risk of not delivering against the School’s strategic objectives was 12 in May 2021,10 in November 2021 and has now been reduced to 8 (4x2). Mitigation has been achieved through clear engagement with the Clinical Advisory Group (guiding business recovery/innovation), a “virtualisation programme” and an opportunity to look at the design and delivery of clinical placements (particularly for taught undergraduate students).
Overview of activity by workstream 3. Taught Student Education Activity
Since Autumn 2020 activity related to student learners (medical and non-medical) has been recovering gradually, under the biosecurity guidance of the Trust’s Clinical Advisory Group (CAG). There has been a sustained growth in student numbers across all PSRB disciplines. Medical and Physician Associate students are returning to greater face-face activity.
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