Macclesfield Project Review
The Christie at Macclesfield Project Review
The Christie charity invested £23m into this project. £23 m
Providing care closer to home for more than 46,000 patient appointments every year.
A new Christie cancer centre for East Cheshire The new Christie Cancer Centre is now open! Thanks to our generous supporters, our brand new £26 million centre opens a new chapter in ca cer care for East Cheshire and the surro ndi g area, providing car cl ser to om for 1,500 patients a year – that’s 46,000 patient visits a year. The Christie charity is launching a major new fundraising appeal to raise £20 million to build a new cancer centre in the heart of East Cheshire.
With funding of £23 million from The Christie charity, this new centre will transform cancer care not just in East Cheshire but in the rest of the county, North Staffordshire and the High Peak area of Derbyshire. Construction of the two-storey building commenced in the summer of 2020 and the building has been completed on time and on
budget, treating the first chemotherapy patient in December 2021 and the first radiotherapy patient in February 2022. Gifts from our supporters make a huge difference to the care and treatment that we are able to provide.
We are delighted to be able to showcase our new centre with a short film.
Workplace fundraising
Individual donations
Community fundraising
Sporting events
We could not have done it without your support
As well as planning lots of exciting fundraising events, including firewalks, movie drive-ins, bungee jumps, carol concerts, walks, runs and bike-rides, The Christie charity appealed to the people of East Cheshire and beyond to get behind this fundraising campaign and get involved to turn the vision into a reality.
The Christie charity has been delighted with the response they received from the people of Macclesfield and surrounding communities - from donations from our corporate partners, workplace fundraising, grants from trusts and foundations to community fundraising
activities, taking part in a sporting event and support provided by gifts in wills. The Macclesfield Express and Cheshire Life have helped spread the word and encourage people to get involved.
Gifts in wills
Grants from Trusts and Foundations
The Christie at Macclesfield has been generously supported by many local organisations who have helped by making corporate donations and with many varied and inventive workplace fundraising initiatives. Trusts and Foundations from across the North West have provided vital grants towards the new purpose-built centre and its services. Inspired by our amazing patients and staff, many individuals and fundraising groups have also been both incredibly generous and extremely proactive with their fundraising. Gifts from the public make a huge difference to the care and treatments that we are able to provide and we are truly grateful to the many supporters who contributed to this appeal.
We are thrilled with how much support we have had from the local community” Louise Stimson, Head of fundraising at The Christie charity
A brief timeline
March 2019 The Christie charity launched a fundraising appeal to raise £23 million to build a new state-of-the-art cancer centre in the grounds of Macclesfield District General Hospital
May 2020 Building work began
September 2021 2 radiotherapy machines weighing 6.5 tonnes each and a CT scanner weighing 3 tonnes delivered to the new centre
February 2022 First radiotherapy patient treated
£23 m
September 2019 Planners at Cheshire East Council granted permission for the build
March 2021 Structural frame completed and construction reached its highest point
December 2021 The project was completed and Sue Thompson from Holmes Chapel was the first patient to receive chemotherapy in the new £26m cancer centre
This centre will make a huge difference to patients from East Cheshire and the surrounding areas, providing the highest standard of care from The Christie, but all under one roof and closer to patients’ homes.” Sue Thompson - The first patient to receive chemotherapy at the centre.
“ I knew I was in the best place for my treatment, but having to travel so far was very disruptive.” Gemma Ellis, Christie cancer patient.
Listen to Gemma’s podcast here
Previously, cancer patients have had to travel to The Christie main hospital site in South Manchester for the majority of their appointments. For those who live furthest away, this has been a huge pressure at an already stressful time. Care closer to home
The average patient in East Cheshire previously spent over 90 hours travelling to The Christie during a six week course of treatment.
“I have met patients who spend the whole day, for weeks at a time, getting to and from The Christie. Imagine that when you’re feeling sick, tired and exhausted. I am very proud to be involved with this brand new centre because I firmly believe everybody should have access to the best cancer treatment, regardless of where they live.” Dr Andrew Sykes, Director of Clinical Oncology at The Christie
90 HRS
Both myself and my wife have had radiotherapy at The Christie for our cancers. We know exactly how gruelling it can be not only to go through daily radiotherapy every day for five weeks, but to have the added stress of long journeys to and fromManchester. It makes it almost unbearable. Being able to have treatment closer to home will make a huge difference to patients in the future.” Keith Oldham, Congleton
The Christie at Macclesfield brings facilities closer to those that need them. It will provide a range of holistic services including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapies, haematology treatments, outpatient care, nurse led clinics, counselling services, an information centre, palliative care and a wider range of clinical trials. It will deliver 12,500 radiotherapy treatments every year and 6,800 chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal treatments. This ambitious project includes specialist examination rooms, a new chemotherapy suite, a CT scanner where treatments are planned, counselling and complementary therapy rooms, a cancer information centre, a charity centre and a refreshment area. Planning for the new centre has taken into account that East Cheshire has one of the oldest populations in the region and there is likely to be an increasing demand for specialist cancer services for older patients in future years.
The Christie team are ready to welcome patients The team of 53 staff are now in place and ready to welcome patients to The Christie’s new cancer centre in Macclesfield. Some staff are transferring over from East Cheshire NHS Trust and some are transferring from The Christie’s other sites in Withington, Salford and Oldham. Several have been recruited specifically for the new centre.
Covering a wide range of clinical and non-clinical disciplines, the team features: 4 consultants, 9 nurses, 18 radiotherapists, 3 engineers, 2 specialist nurse practitioners, 10 administrative staff and health care assistants, a physicist, an information centre co-ordinator, complementary therapists and will include a charity member to staff the new charity centre. The Christie at Macclesfield team is headed up by radiographer James McGovern from Altrincham. James said: “I am excited that we have recruited such a strong team for The Christie at Macclesfield, and I know that every single employee is committed to delivering the best possible patient care. This is the first radiotherapy centre in Cheshire and the first time The Christie has been able to provide a holistic local radiotherapy centre that also provides chemotherapy, outpatient appointments and other important types of patient care and treatment at the same place other than our main Withington site.”
Catherine Fensom is the operational lead for The Christie at Macclesfield. She said: “This new unit will have an enormous impact on the local community providing state of the art treatment on their doorstep. Having worked for both The Christie and East Cheshire Hospital Trust, I feel that I can bring a unique perspective to the role that will aid the integration of the existing chemotherapy service with the new radiotherapy service and other services. We are so lucky to have The Christie as our specialist centre, it provides treatments and trials that are only available in a handful of hospitals. Patients can be confident that they are receiving the best treatments available in cancer care.”
James McGovern - Lead radiographer for The Christie at Macclesfield
Catherine Fensom - Operational lead for The Christie at Macclesfield
This new unit will have an enormous impact on the local community providing state-of- the-art treatment on their doorstep.” Catherine Fensom - Operational lead for The Christie at Macclesfield
Looking to the future and how you can help
The Christie charity will continue to support the new cancer centre at Macclesfield by funding supportive services offered to patients, relatives and staff.
It’s exciting to see the completion of our new cancer centre but there’s still more we can do to support cancer patients as they go through their treatment. The Christie charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. At Macclesfield this will include complementary therapy, refreshments for patients and other supportive services. A wide range of different therapies including massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and aromatherapy will be provided free of charge, as they are at the main Withington site.
Going through cancer treatment can be a traumatic experience and also physically challenging for many patients. However, our complementary health & well-being service will be there to help patients cope with difficult medical procedures, to reduce symptoms of cancer and side effects of treatment and to help patients and carers cope with the stress and anxiety of living with cancer. Please help us to continue to support cancer patients at The Christie at Macclesfield.
Would you like to support the work of The Christie charity?
The Christie Charity Wilmslow Road, Manchester M20 4BX 0161 446 3988
@TheChristie @christiecharity
Registered charity no. 1049751
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