Macclesfield Case for Support

Helping Christie patients in Cheshire and beyond The centre will take Christie patients from

The Christie at Macclesfield will treat patients who would have otherwise had to travel to The Christie for radiotherapy from areas of Cheshire, North Staffordshire, and the High Peak of Derbyshire. It will also provide a selection of other Christie services such as chemotherapy and clinical trials where clinically appropriate. * Expert Christie staff and facilities will provide: • Local radiotherapy for the majority of patients living in Macclesfield and the surrounding areas • Relocation and expansion of our existing chemotherapy outreach service at Macclesfield District General to provide a much improved, more modern, spacious and coordinated facility • The opportunity to provide a wider range of clinical trials than are currently available • Appropriate patient waiting space and private consultation rooms • Holistic support such as counselling, complementary therapies and information services • Palliative care and support services Thousands of patients every year already benefit from our commitment to provide local specialist cancer care through our radiotherapy centres in Salford and Oldham, as well as our ever-growing community chemotherapy services.


1hr 40 *

Fewer patients will have to commute more than the 45 minutes national guidance travel time each way for their daily radiotherapy. This will be a huge benefit to those who do not have access to transport or find travelling longer distances challenging.



1hr *



1hr 30 *

2hrs *

areas of Cheshire, North Staffordshire and the High Peak area of Derbyshire.


1hr 40 *

1hr 40 *

I was so lucky to be able to have my treatment at Salford as it was so much nearer to my home in Wigan and meant I didn’t have to travel intoManchester every day. Another Christie centre in Cheshire is wonderful news





2hrs 20 *

2hrs *

2hrs *

*Average return journey to The Christie

for patients who will be able to benefit in the same way I did.”

I have met patients who spend the whole day, for weeks at a time, getting to and from The Christie. Imagine that when you’re feeling sick, tired and exhausted. I am very proud to be involved with this brand new centre because I firmly believe everybody should have access to the best cancer treatment, regardless of where they live.” Dr Andrew Sykes, Director of Clinical Oncology at The Christie

Polly Bamber - A patient treated at our radiotherapy centre in Salford.

*Some rarer and more complex cancers will still be treated at our main site in Withington.



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