This year the charity funded the expansion of haematology and ambulatory care to include teenage and young adults for the first time. This means some patients have been able to receive treatments such as chemotherapy, stem cell transplants and supportive care in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of their own home, freeing up inpatient beds for those that need access to our ward based services. £162,288 has been invested for the specialist staff and equipment needed to make this possible. We’ve been delighted to introduce a new state-of-the-art digital therapy system which allows patients to use apps, games and other leisure activities as part of their hospital recovery. RITA, as the technology is known, stands for Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities. Mainly for elderly patients with cognitive impairments such as dementia, the user-friendly system allows patients to enjoy relaxing music, watch archive BBC news footage, view old photographs and listen to famous speeches, to help spark memories and start conversations on the wards. It even can help patients socialise together with activities like bingo and jigsaws.
The Christie charity supports the development of cancer prevention, treatment, research and education through investment in staff, equipment, facilities and other support services that are over and above what the NHS funds. Your generosity helps us deliver a huge range of projects from life-saving research and the latest high-tech equipment to support services that help us make cancer treatment a little easier for our patients. Here are a few examples of some of the things we have been able to fund this year thanks to your donations.
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