Simon and Nikki Connor
March 2019 saw colleagues at Marks & Spencer in Altrincham reach their fundraising target of £100,000, having supported The Christie charity for a fantastic 10 years running.
From the staff tuck shop sales, auctions and bag packing, to bucket collections, staff quiz nights and taking part in other Christie events, staff have thrown themselves into fundraising and their efforts have made a truly incredible impact. Nikki Connor, food section manager at M&S Altrincham said: “Simon Connor, my husband, former colleague and cancer survivor, inspired us to choose The Christie as our store charity 10 years ago and we’re thrilled to have been able
to support the centre throughout the last decade. Cancer touches the hearts of so many people, and we’d like to thank The Christie for giving us hope, care and a new lease of life.” The Christie charity relies heavily on partnerships with companies like Marks & Spencer, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the team at the Altrincham store for their continued support.
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