
Exceptional Minds driving our research The Christie’s research strength and capability provides our patients with access to world- leading and life-changing new treatments as they become available. One in seven patients participate in research studies – with around 650 active clinical studies taking place at any one time. In 2018 alone, 3000 patients were offered clinical trials and 145 new clinical trials began. Thanks to our amazing supporters, our charity is able to continue to fund our Academic Investment Plan which helps us recruit the world’s best clinicians and scientists to lead and deliver our research programmes, through our Exceptional Minds project. One such mind belongs to Professor Silke Gillesson who is one of the world’s leading experts in prostate cancer. She has spent her 20 year career searching for new treatments for this devastating cancer, including personalised medicine approaches that target specific therapies to an individual’s cancer.

She said: “My biomarker research is hopefully going to help personalise treatment for men with prostate cancer. I’ll be looking for markers in a patient’s tissue and blood, which will essentially tell us how they will respond to a given treatment. “The biomarkers will not only help us select treatments that will give men the best possible outcomes, it could potentially spare men treatment that won’t work for them, minimising upsetting and debilitating side effects. Ultimately, I aim to improve quality of life for patients.”




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