HSS CPOC Service Annual Report 2021
Service Report May 2021 Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre – The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
5 Education and Training, Research 5.1Education and Training
There is no doubt that the COVID situation has had a major impact on education and training with many of the professional meetings postponed/ suspended during 2020. Despite these difficulties we have managed to recruit to our Clinical Fellowships both in the UK and overseas. In 2020 we were successful in a bid to launch a new Fellowship: RCS/ACPGBI Advanced Colorectal Malignancy Fellow branded through the Royal College of Surgeons and the Association of Coloproctology of GB&I. The current fellow Sarah Hassan will complete her term in September 2021. We continue to support International fellows from India through The Ganga Ram Fellowship programme and from Sri Lanka: all of which have continued despite Covid restrictions. European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) ESPO Fellowships: The unit has been designated by ESSO for Training in Peritoneal Oncology. Since 2015 there have been 9 Fellows registered at The Christie: • EPSO/ESSO Graduates : Andreas Larentzakis Washington November 2016: Consultant Surgeon in Greece. Adam Stearns, Paris September 2018: Consultant Surgeon in Norwich Paul Sutton, February 2021: Consultant at The Christie NHSFT • Current Fellows : Hamish Clouston, Jonathan Wild, Rebecca Fish: Consultants at The Christie Brett Winter-Roach and Rebecca Faulkner: Consultant Gynaecologists. Some progress has been hampered by the restrictions due to Covid for ESSO to run courses but it is expected that the Fellows should graduate over the next two years. The RanD Academy Unfortunately, we have been unable to collaborate during Covid for most of the major projects in this programme. However, the relationship with The King Hussein Cancer Centre in Amman, Jordon sponsored by The RanD Academy has continued through the completion of a twelve month clinical fellowship by Basim Aljalabneh. In June 2020 Professor O’Dwyer was also invited to speak in an international Webinair discussing the Prodige 7 trial debating the influence of the trial and implications for HIPEC. In March 2021 Professor O’Dwyer was nominated by The Dukes Club ACPGBI as an inspirational trainer and pioneer for surgical treatment of peritoneal tumours.
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