Standard Homepage widgets The department homepage is unique to your department. Only home pages allow for the inclusion of Widgets. Widgets in very general terms are a way to display content that already exists in HIVE. They also allow you to import HTML content. Your Homepage MUST include 3 widgets as a minimum. These widgets are part of the base template and will be created for you What we do / where we are widget This is created for you and will link to 2 pages: “what we do” and “where we are”. You will be responsible for the content of these pages.
Our Team The “our team” widget needs to be manually created from the widget menu.
You will need to add each team member individually by typing their name in the People to Display box. You can add as many as you wish, but you can’t change the sort order, so best practice is to add people in the order you wish them to be displayed The information display determines which bits of information to display. Typically you only need to select Job title and basic contact details. The other information isn’t really required as the people you add will only be from your team. This widget only has one layout, so no need to configure beyond what is presented on the main tab.
HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees
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