
Good practice for Adding/Creating categories The left hand side navigation is made up of categories that you have created. The navigation can become massively complicated if you are not careful with categories. A category can contain 0 to several thousand pages! If only 1 page exists within the category clicking the category in the left hand navigation will open the contents of that page. If there is more than 1 page in a category, clicking the category in the navigation will return a list of all pages contained in that category. This sometimes could be unexpected behaviour. Both results do have their merits though. If you have a number of documents such as a newsletter, adding all your newsletters to the same category will display a sortable list of your newsletters sorted by date. For ease of navigation it can be easier if when you create a page you also create a category with the same name. Unless of course if you wish to produce a list. You can sort the categories any way you wish to determine how they are displayed in the left hand navigation. Further details about Categories/Left hand navigation menu items can be found in the HIVE administrator’s team page

HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees

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