
If you wish to revert to inherit permissions, click the inherit permission button to revert to how access was before.

To edit a menu item If you click the menu item title, you can then edit details of that menu item:

The category name, description and display details can be edited from this screen. If you wish to move the item to be displayed under a different menu area, you can select the desired place from the drop down list. Please note this allows you to NEST the item underneath another item. To change the order of menu items see here The category settings allow you to tweak how the content of that category is displayed. Generally speaking you’ll want to leave this as it is. The default settings are generally suitable for most lists. However you might want to add a paragraph of text to appear at the top of your list. If you wish to do this, scroll down until you see the introductory text box

HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees

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