
Manage pages The manage pages options allows you as a department administrator to manage pages in your section that you have authored as well as those pages of your colleagues. The page is split into multiple lists accessible via the tabs across the top. The list is sortable by clicking the header text of each column to change the sort order.

You are also able to filter the list by category and mark the page active or inactive by clicking the appropriate text. Marking a page inactive removes it from the search and the navigation meaning it can no longer be discovered except via a direct link. Once inactive, a page can be made active once more by clicking the inactive text. If you click “Expires” the list will be sorted by expiration date, updating the list to bring the expired pages to the top. A page or multiple pages can be deleted by ticking the box and clicking “Delete selected” If you click on the “All pages” tab, the list will update to show pages created by everyone in your team with the permissions to create content. You can administer their content in the same way you are able to administer your own content. To edit a page, click the hyperlinked title to go straight through to the editable page composer and edit the page in line with the process discussed above

HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees

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