means only you can use the image. Once you are happy with the storage and access to the image, click OK and format the image as mentioned above, and then apply it to your page
Full details about the media manager can be found in the HIVE administrator’s team site
Once your content is complete, you can “preview” it by clicking the “preview” button
The preview will only include the content you’ve added and not the “look and feel” of HIVE. Once published, the HIVE base elements content will be automatically applied. Before you do publish your page you need to add some very important information to the page by clicking on the additional tabs across the grey bar above you page content The Features tab The features tab allows you to place additional functionality to your page such as allowing comments to be made by viewers, this is added automatically, but can be deselected if you do not want comments to be posted as well as being able to “pin” the page to the top of a list by selecting “key page”. This is very useful if you’re content is likely to be included in a category with other pages. You can also force the page to full width if your content is wide, such as tabulated data from a spreadsheet. Setting to full width will however remove some of the useful related content that appears on the right hand side of the page HIVE will automatically add content it thinks is related to your page based on a quick search of your page title and page summary. The top 3 results will appear to the right of your content when viewed in HIVE. You can specify a time frame by selecting Recommended Content on this tab and picking your chosen timeframe. If you leave it blank, HIVE will add content from the entire HIVE database. Unless your content is time sensitive, it’s best to leave this box unticked and allow HIVE to determine recommended content for you
HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees
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