Chinwag Spring 2019
Corporate news
E-ordering pilot takes off The first patients have been treated using chemotherapy (SACT) ordered through the pharmacy interface from iQemo to Baxter.
This innovative system is the first of its kind in Europe and only the second worldwide. The collaborative project with the pharmacy EP team, digital services, Baxter and iQemo aims to streamline the ordering of chemotherapy from Baxter to improve efficiencies and reduce waste. Patient safety enhancements such as batch number and expiry checking are in place. Future developments within iQemo will include taking SACT treatments “off hold” and release requests for SACT within the prescribing software, thereby reducing telephone and email traffic and saving valuable staff time. For further information on iQemo
developments, contact the pharmacy EP team on
E-ordering is now underway
Helping us see cancer more clearly: a redeveloped CT department for The Christie Plans are underway to provide a redeveloped CT suite funded by The Christie charity. in the number of patients we see, our facilities are in desperate need of an upgrade.
There are many reasons why this area needs charitable support: the current CT waiting area is no longer able to accommodate all of our patients and relatives and it’s often difficult to find space for those patients arriving in wheelchairs, due to the cramped environment. There is no private, dedicated space for patients to speak with their radiographer prior to the scans taking place and the changing facilities are located on one of the main corridors that runs through the department. The new facilities will include a four-dimensional CT scanner (or 4D CT) which combines CT scans with video X-ray, providing enhanced images to make interactive procedures possible during the scanning process. We are hoping to redesign and reconfigure the area. As well as making the most of the latest technology, we also want to ensure it is patient-friendly, private, less clinical and a more comfortable, dignified place for all patients to visit at the start of their journey at The Christie. More details about the plans will be unveiled in future editions of Chinwag.
Seeing more clearly: Our current CT dept is in need of an overhaul.
Virtually every patient we treat uses the CT department before, during and after their cancer treatment. Our scanning machines use X-rays to create detailed images of the inside of the body – and are used to help doctors diagnose and treat cancer by providing essential information about the size and location of tumours. It is one of the busiest departments in the hospital with around 22,000 scans carried out every year. Our CT department currently has three CT scanners – but due to ever changing technology and a sizeable increase
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