Chinwag Spring 2019

Education news

The School of Oncology

International proton school Dr Ed Smith, Professor Karen Kirkby and Professor Ran Mackay and colleagues are now working closely with the School of Oncology on the development of an international proton beam school.

and organisations, in Manchester and across the world. The PBT team has had an incredible year and the school is delighted to be involved in this venture, which also includes the development of specially designed learning environment.

The school will offer a portfolio of focussed learning opportunities,

delivered by leaders in this field; including researchers, radiographers, scientists and clinicians. These learning opportunities will be available for a variety of professionals Dr Cathy Heaven Dr Cathy Heaven has been appointed as programme director for education with Greater Manchester Cancer. This appointment builds on two years of Cathy’s leadership in the development of a strategy for cancer education across Greater Manchester.

Cancer conference a is a huge success The Education Events team was proud to develop, manage and produce The Greater Manchester Cancer Conference in November 2018.

The conference featured presenters including Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, Chris Boardman MBE, Greater Manchester Commissioner for Walking and Cycling, and a highlight of the day was Debbie James and Lauren Mahon, writers and presenters of the You, Me and the Big C podcast who received a standing ovation from a packed room of 550 delegates. Chaired by the School of Oncology, the steering group for the creative planning of the event consisted of senior members of the GM Cancer community. The School managed all practical and Cancer education for GPs The School of Oncology has been developing a range of resources for GPs and trainees led by Dr Rebecca Leon (SoO GP education lead). This has included a highly successful workshop programme for GP trainees, supported by a range of colleagues from across the Trust. Rebecca is now working alongside Dr Sarah Taylor (GatewayC GP lead) in integrating these two elements of the School’s activities into a highly interactive education programme of specialist education and workshops for GP trainees, which could be of benefit to a number of specialist trainees. Drs Leon and Taylor will be continuing this collaboration with a quarterly series of ‘speed dating’ events which will bring together GPs and cancer colleagues. The first event will be in September 2019.

logistical aspects of the event, starting with the grant process and, using our substantial database of industry contacts and insider knowledge, we obtained a considerable amount of industry sponsorship to ensure the event would be free to attend. Staff from The School of Oncology and a group of selected volunteers staffed the event on the day, coordinating a display of over 70 posters and 30 sponsor and exhibitors stands. The team looks forward to working with Greater Manchester Cancer on an even bigger event in 2019. FRCR2 course in Malaysia Professor Richard Cowan was proud to lead a contingent of Christie staff, including Prof A Choudhury, Dr Lip Lee, Dr Claire Arthur, Dr Kate Garcez, Dr Amin Ali and Dr Shermaine Pan in the delivery of the first FRCR2 course in Penang in Malaysia. The Christie team was delighted to have 16 people attend the course, and the support provided by the University of Malaysia. Feedback from participants was very good. A key element to the visit was the opportunity to link with eight previous Fellows from The Christie who are now working in various posts across the world, many of whom were able to be involved in the teaching programme. The team also took the opportunity to deliver a session on being a fellow at The Christie to much interest.

The seniority of this position clearly reflects the importance that Greater Manchester

Cancer places in the development and delivery of the highest quality education to all those involved in supporting cancer across the area.

Focus on SACT training The clinical skills training team, under the direction of Patricia Kelly and led by Lizzie McCulloch and Yvonne Rushton (senior trainers), have contributed significantly to the work across the Trust in consolidating and developing a more strategic approach to the delivery of SACT training. This has involved working closely with Rhona Johnson and Ruth Clout to support the introduction of the UKONS (UK Oncology Nurse Society) systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) competency passport. The team has created and delivered a number of study days as well as developing on-line learning opportunities and competency assessment.


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