Chinwag Spring 2019
Introduction & contents
Welcome to the spring edition of Chinwag
Welcome to the latest edition of our staff magazine and as ever, it has been a busy time at The Christie over the last few months. Most notably, after many years in the planning, we have been delighted to start treating patients in our new proton beam therapy centre and to also welcome patients into our wonderful new outpatient facilities, which will hugely improve their comfort and experience when attending for appointments. But as is The Christie way, we continue to progress, and in this edition you can read more about various new projects including the latest news on plans to redevelop the Paterson building, plans to overhaul our CT department, and exciting plans to build a new Christie Cancer Centre at Macclesfield. Our charity has recently launched a £23 million appeal to raise the funds needed for this project which is vital to improve access to Christie services for patients in the East Cheshire area.
These new projects are evidence of our biggest commitment at The Christie, which is to put patients at the heart of everything we do and to ensure we provide the highest quality care and treatment with very real patient benefits. Our performance in national surveys and the positive feedback we receive from our patients continue to be a source of pride and encouragement. None of our achievements would be possible without the amazing staff we have at The Christie and it is incredibly important that staff are recognised for the work done day in, day out to care for our patients, whether frontline or behind the scenes. On page 9, you will see details of our annual staff recognition awards which will be held in June and I’d encourage you all to consider making a nomination to help us celebrate the fantastic team we have here.
Chief Executive Roger Spencer
Roger Spencer, Chief Executive
Contents Corporate news
Follow us on Twitter @TheChristieNHS or our charity on @TheChristie
Like our charity Facebook page and our Trust page at TheChristieNHS
Our plans for East Cheshire
10-11 12-15 16-17
Staff news
Connect with The Christie LinkedIn company profile
Research news
Making the headlines
18 19
Hear from Christie staff, patients, volunteers and fundraisers via our weekly blog
A day in the life
HR news
20-21 22-23 24-25
Follow our charity on Instagram @christiecharity
You made a difference
Charity news
Get in touch If you have any news, achievements, team updates or interesting stories you would like to share in Chinwag, contact the communications team on ext. 3613 or 3840 , or via email
The Christie Private Care
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