Chinwag - Autumn 2019
Corporate news
SACT passport
In 2017, the UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS) initiated a SACT (Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy) Passport, designed to ensure that SACT knowledge and best practice to ensure that patients benefit from high quality care. The Passport has three steps to competency attainment: • To complete relevant theoretical sections • To complete relevant practical competency assessments • To complete an annual reaccreditation certificate In 2018, Ruth Clout (Haematology PEF) and Rhona Johnson (SACT PEF) invited UKONS to deliver a Train-The-Trainer session at The Christie. A working group was created including Yvonne Rushton and Lizzie McCulloch (Clinical Skills Training Team), who recognised that a standardised training programme would benefit staff, enhancing their training is consistent and up-to-date, standardising Using personal information held by the Trust in any way about any person (a patient, staff member or anyone else) is only the right thing to do when you are allowed to and need to for your job. This includes: • Talking about someone • Writing information about someone • Accessing information about someone
knowledge, confidence and competence, ultimately resulting in safe patient care and greater job satisfaction.
on the experience and knowledge gained. The team also recognise that staff should receive training in awareness of potential exposure from SACT. With support from Owen Seago from the Technology Enhanced Learning Team, an e-learning package has been developed and is soon to be launched. This has a mixed media approach, using video, animation, text and interactive elements to deliver an engaging and rewarding experience. This will ensure that all staff throughout the Trust are given the knowledge to work safely.
The Christie launched the UKONS SACT passport in November 2018. Initially, delivered over one day, following an evaluation the day was re-developed to be delivered over two days. The Passport is underpinned by face-to-face teaching, complemented by competency assessments in clinical practice. Support is given by Sharon O’Connor (Trainee ANP) and standardised assessors. To date 156 nurses have attended the study day. 59 nurses have fully completed step one of the passport and 82 nurses have completed practical sections in step two. Nurses have embraced the passport providing positive feedback
Information governance reminder
• Looking at someone’s information with somebody else • Sharing information about someone • Storing information about someone • Deleting information about someone Information governance (IG) is about keeping personal information safe and secure (and in line with the law). The Trust has policies
and procedures in place which provide guidance to you on how to do this, these can be found on Hive. You are also required to complete mandatory data security & information governance training on an annual basis as part of your essential training requirements. For more information, email information.governance@ or call ext. 8460 or 2412 .
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