Charity Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22

Why we need continuous support – our future plans 2022/23

Below are a few examples of projects that the charity will be funding in the next year.

Our new centre in Macclesfield

Manchester to build a state-of-the-art translational research facility on site at The Christie will come to fruition at the end of 2022/early 2023. It is a purpose built facility housing a collective expertise, driving forward research innovation and attracting and retaining the brightest talent while developing commercial interest from the world’s largest pharmaceutical and other industrial partners. Crucially, this research facility will lead to more clinical trials, and will fast-forward our progress in developing new approaches to prevention and detection and improving patient outcomes and survival. The build is likely to be completed in December 2022 with the research teams moving in during the first quarter of 2023.

Cancer treatment can often have a lasting and devastating impact on younger patients, affecting them psychologically as well as physically. At The Christie, we recognise the need to treat the whole patient and we will continue to raise funds for the psychological support service for Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) patients, aged 16-24 years of age, who are receiving treatment at our TYA centre. By establishing a more comprehensive psychology service for these patients it will enable patients to access level 3 psychology support on site which is currently delivered through community services. All TYA patients will have rapid access to a TYA specialist psychology service. At The Christie, research and innovation remains pivotal in all that we do. Our appeal in partnership with Cancer Research UK and The University of

Our appeal in Macclesfield to build a state-of-the-art Christie cancer centre has now been completed and is already making a huge different to patients who would otherwise have to travel long distances, sometimes daily, for treatment. This year we also intend to expand the provision of our complementary and wellbeing services at Macclesfield – so patients can access vital support to enable them to cope with the pressures and side-effects treatment can cause. Complementary therapies and wellbeing services have been successfully provided through our charity to support our patients at all our sites with consistently high feedback from all that use them at our other sites in Withington, Oldham and Salford. Our new facilities in Macclesfield also include a Christie charity centre on site where supporters can access our fundraising teams for help and advice.


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