Christie Medical Physics and Engineering Newsletter 70 May 2022
a) be closely involved in every radiotherapeutic practice other than standardised therapeutic nuclear medicine practices; b) be involved in practices including standardised therapeutic nuclear medicine practices, diagnostic nuclear medicine practices and high dose interventional radiology and high dose computed tomography; c) be involved as appropriate for consultation on optimisation, in all other radiological practices and d) give advice on — i) dosimetry and quality assurance matters relating to radiation protection concerning exposures; ii) physical measurements for the evaluation of dose delivered; iii) medical radiological equipment. e) be entitled as ‘Operator’ under the Employer’s written procedures. a) optimisation of the radiation protection of patients and other individuals subject to exposures, including the application and use of diagnostic reference levels; b) the definition and performance of quality assurance of the equipment; c) acceptance testing of equipment; d) the preparation of technical specifications for equipment and installation design; e) the surveillance of the medical radiological installations; f) the analysis of events involving, or potentially involving, accidental or unintended exposures; g) the selection of equipment required to perform radiation protection measurements; h) the training of practitioners and other staff in relevant aspects of radiation protection; i) the provision of advice to an employer relating to compliance with these Regulations. An MPE must also contribute to the following matters — Legal role of the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) Under Regulation 14(1) of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, the RPA should be consulted where advice is necessary to ensure observance of the Regulations. This must include the following:
• The implementation of requirements as to controlled and supervised areas. • The prior examination of plans for installations and the acceptance into service of new and modified sources of ionising radiation in relation to any engineering controls, design features, safety features and warning devices provided to restrict exposure to radiation. • The regular checking of equipment provided for monitoring levels of radiation and the regular checking that such equipment is serviceable and correctly used. • The periodic examination and testing of engineering controls, design features and warning devices and regular checking of systems of work provided to restrict exposure to ionising radiation. • Advice on the use of dose limits when averaged over periods greater than a single calendar year (Schedule 3) In addition, the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) states that the RPA must be consulted about: • The radiation risk assessment (Regulation 8) and local rules (Regulation 18). • The designation of controlled and supervised areas (Regulation 17) • The conduct of investigations required by the Regulations e.g. for a suspected overexposure of a member of staff or staff exceeding an investigation level. • Contingency plans (Regulation 13) • Dose assessment and recording (Regulation 22), including dosimetry for accidents (Regulation 24) In addition, the ACOP states that the RPA should be consulted about: • Optimisation and establishment of appropriate dose constraints • Classification of workers and the suitability of dosimetry services for assessment and recording of doses received by the classified persons • Outside workers • Workplace and individual monitoring programmes and related personal dosimetry • Appropriate radiation monitoring instrumentation • Selection of adequate and suitable PPE
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