Board of Directors papers 271022

1. Safe

1.7 - Corporate Risks

There are 5 Trust-wide 15+ risks in September Description Score


16 No change to risk score - level of recurrent CIP identified at end of the August reporting period has increased by £0.6m to £3.2m which is 44% of the recurrent target. Trust has achieved a break even financial position as at end month 5 but this is required significant reliance on non recurrent delivery of efficiencies via vacancies, etc Identification of additional recurrent CIP continues to be a focus at TOG and Service Operational Reviews Nurse Recruitment event delayed due to period of national mourning – held on 8th Oct 29 International Nurses offered Planning for industrial action continues Christie Culture & People Plan is being consulted on - this sets out 3 year plan with specific actions aimed at addressing recruitment and retention. 15 Risk assessment with CIO and Security manager on 12/09/22 have agreed with DCIO to reduce the likelihood, resulting in a risk score of 15. The heightened risk of 20 has been in place 6 months, where we have demonstrated actions to prevent and respond to cyber incidents during that time without catastrophic disruption. Therefore happening once or twice within six months (4) is reduced to possible, once or twice in a year (3) at this stage. The risk is still significant where actions and investment to mitigate must continue. Existing mitigations remain in place. CO 24 day just under 85% in September, despite a lot of clinician A/L - Clinical Oncology have worked to put ad hoc clinic capacity in place where possible to achieve this. RT booking form turnaround has improved again thanks to a reduction in average number of outstanding booking forms for September: 31 20 Risk assessment with CIO and Security manager on 12/09/22 have agreed with DCIO to reduce the likelihood, resulting in a risk score of 15. The heightened risk of 20 has been in place 6 months, where we have demonstrated actions to prevent and respond to cyber incidents during that time without catastrophic disruption. Therefore happening once or twice within six months (4) is reduced to possible, once or twice in a year (3) at this stage. The risk is still significant where actions and investment to mitigate must continue. 44 15 15 compared to YTD average of 45. New booking forms per day unchanged (36). Average CO IPT received day for CO (based on last 9 Mondays) is 61.4.

Achieving 2022/23 Break Even Financial Plan including CIP (ID 3293) Risk of negative impact on engagement levels, staff health & wellbeing and delivery of services, due to Trust-wide staffing gaps. (ID 2438) Risk of patients being lost to follow up (ID 3218)

Risk to delayed cancer referral and treatments due to not meeting 24 / 62

day target (ID 2407)

Risk of prolonged disruption to services, due to a severe cyber security incident. (ID 3218)


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