Board of Directors papers 271022
While many of the formal powers and accountabilities that NHSE has held historically will remain broadly the same, the organisation has committed to changing how it will deliver these – via a cultural reset and behavioural shift. The operating framework details a set of leadership behaviours which NHSE has committed to, to deliver its purpose in the context of system-working. NHSE has set out to deliver on five transformational priorities for the next 3-5 years. This focus on interim objectives is intended to help NHSE frame and achieve its long-term goals, as well as to address the challenges of today more effectively. These priorities are as follows: 1. STOP avoidable illness & intervene early 2. SHIFT to digital and community 3. SHARE the best 4. STRENGTHEN the hands of the people we serve 5. SUPPORT our local partners NHSE will formally merge with HEE and NHS Digital on 1 April 2023, although work on organisational design will continue into 2023/24. Responsible Director – Deputy CEO with Company Secretary and Portfolio Director Responsible Assurance Committee - Board Winter Resilience NHSE has also set out guidance on winter resilience plans (18th October 2023 - Official Communication PR2090). This covers a wide range of healthcare activities. For cancer the focus is on the 62-day treatment target and three specific pathways (Lower GI, Skin and Urology) where nationally the backlog is greatest. In this context there are four priority actions to be addressed by ICS’s: 1. Faecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) in the Lower GI pathway including for patients on Endoscopy waiting lists 2. Best Practice Timed Pathway for prostate cancer including the use of MRI scanning 3. Tele-dermatology in the suspected skin cancer pathway 4. Greater prioritisation of diagnostic and surgical capacity for suspected cancer. As these are system wide issues The Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance will be leading the system response reporting via our CFEO into the Provider Federation Board and working through the regular
Responsible Director – Director of Strategy Responsible Assurance Committee - Board
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