Board of Directors papers 271022

reduce operational costs. We are developing a decarbonisation strategy which will build on the CEF Scheme. Responsible Director – Deputy CEO Responsible Assurance Committee - Audit Inequalities Addressing health inequalities is a cross cutting theme within our new strategy. We have a track record of seeking to improve services in underserved communities based on geography. For example, our radiotherapy networked services in Oldham and Salford were located to address under provision to the most disadvantaged communities in Greater Manchester, and the most recent development in Macclesfield to address the particular needs of the frail elderly population. Our networked chemotherapy service aims to address the needs of local communities equitably. We work with the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance to support its initiatives to address wider health inequalities and develop cancer prevention, screening and early detection services for disadvantaged communities and groups. We seek to locate services as near to where people live as possible, focussing on disadvantaged areas as in the examples given above. Our facilities and patient environments are designed to meet the needs of patients from disadvantaged groups - business cases for new developments include an inequalities assessment. We are improving our data collection systems to better understand the use of our services by Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Groups and will then extend this to other characteristics. Responsible Director – Deputy CEO The Paterson site project progresses. Although the building works will be largely complete by end of December 2022, commissioning works associated with the University of Manchester’s laboratory areas will be complete by March 2023. The team are planning for the movement of The Christie and University research groups into the building in April and May. The road works associated the Multi-tiered car park and Paterson were specified within the planning permissions associated with the builds. These are due to be completed by early December. The initial teething problems associated with the phasing of the lights seem to be have been resolved. Other schemes currently in progress include the installation of radiotherapy equipment at Oldham and development of the outpatient pharmacy on the Withington site. Schemes at the planning stage include the Targeted Investment Fund Wards and the replacement of radiotherapy equipment in Salford. Planning has now started for an Advanced Oncology Scanning Centre with formation of a steering group. The board will receive future reports on this. Work continues on the refresh of our overall strategy building on recent board discussions. Further details will be provided by the Executive Medical Director. Responsible Director – Director of Strategy and Chief Operating Officer with Deputy CEO More information about our new developments can be found at: future/our-developments/ Responsible Assurance Committee - Board Responsible Assurance Committee - Audit Strategic and Service Developments


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