Board of Directors papers 271022
expected’ category. This will be published today. The detail will be discussed in the Quality Assurance Committee. The Board noted this excellent news. RS reminded the Board that the system in under significant operational pressure, we are providing mutual aid to support time critical cancer surgery. The situation across the system is getting very difficult. We have been notified that approximately 1000 staff have been balloted for industrial action, specifically those who are members of the RCN and RCR. The action is planned for the end October/beginning November. CO extended congratulations and thanks to our staff on the fantastic inpatient survey news. CO also asked for feedback on the new format of the report. b Integrated performance, quality & finance report BD outlined the August performance. There have been no serious incidents or never events in month. No major and 7 moderate incidents. In terms of infection control there were 7 cases of C Difficile in month, with no lapses in care. 4 cases of E-Coli post 48 hours and no covid nosocomial infections. There are 5 corporate risks over 15, 2 risks at 20 and 2 risks at 15. There were 16 new complaints in August, 48 PALS contacts and average length of stay was 6.72 days. There were 11 cancelled operations on the day. BD noted the high level of cancelled operations in August. 1 related to equipment breakdown and 10 related to critical care capacity. There was an unusual level of surgical patients requiring level 3 care at this time. All patients have been re-dated. This period is being reviewed through the RCA route to look at learning. JM asked if these patients are coming through the Hotline. BD noted that this is the case and we are looking at this process. JY noted that the AAU are managing the hotline patients and assessing these patients and dealing with them and discharging them where they can and following them up over the phone etc. This is reducing the pressure on admissions. This is being extended over the weekend. AM asked about the preparations with staff for winter / further waves of covid. JY noted that they are being supported and prepared and activity is managed daily. RA asked about patient safety incidents and the increase in numbers. BD noted that we have changed the way we report and have also added in covid 18 Weeks 97.7%, 62 day performance 71.3%, 24 day performance 79.6%, 31 day performance 98.2%. We had 48 ‘104 day’ waiters and referrals were within the predicted range. BD noted that the July 62 day performance was good, and this dipped in August as we had 3 full breaches as well as OPD activity. We continue to manage this daily with the teams. Activity was outlined. Outpatient activities are slightly behind plan in month. Non elective and surgical activity is above plan. nosocomial infections that account for the increase. In terms of our waiting times for August we achieved;
FB joined the meeting.
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