Board of Directors papers 271022
Executive Objectives 2022/23 1. To demonstrate excellent and equitable clinical outcomes and patient safety, patient experience and clinical effectiveness for those patients living with and beyond cancer Annual objective Measure Timescale Director Progress 1.1 To ensure delivery of the patient and public experience plans To develop and implement a Trust Patient and Public Engagement Strategy
Associate Chief Nurse for Patient Experience commencing in post Nov 22 to lead project.
Will align to NHS England 'Patient
Experience Framework'.
1.2 To support the divisions in the delivery of the Quality Strategy
To realise the year 2 goals of the 2022/24 Quality Plan
Proceeding to plan against Quality Plan objectives Risk awareness training live on Christie Learning Zone. Learning from excellence progressing 2 additional standards now included – Care in the last days of life and Care of the patient with Diabetes. Ward 2 first accredited 12/10/22 Clinical Research Facility first accreditation 03/11/22
1.3 To implement the Trust Risk Management Strategy
To realise the implementation of strategy objectives: i) launch a trust-wide revised risk awareness training programme; ii) implementation of ‘Risk Awareness Week’; implementation of Safety II – Learning from Excellence
1.4 Ensure all patient care areas provide high quality care and treatment
To implement stretch targets for ward CODE re-accreditation scheme assessments.
To implement CODE accreditation to ambulatory care, CRF
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