Board of Directors papers 271022
Agenda item: 35/22d
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 27 th October 2022 Trust 5 year Strategy refresh
1 Background The previous refresh of the Christie Strategy in 2018 set out a five-year plan due to consolidate in March 2023. This defined a series of ambitious objectives which have been successfully achieved including opening the UK’s first NHS high energy proton centre, delivering a new model of out-patient care in a new state-of-the-art outpatients department, and extending our network of radiotherapy centres to provide better access to specialist treatments across the region. This paper details the process for delivering the refresh of the Christie Strategy for 2023 2028. 2 The Christie Vision The refresh of the strategy for 2023-2028 will focus on the four established themes of the Christie Vision – Leading Cancer Care, The Christie Experience, Local and Specialist Care and Best Outcomes. It will describe how the organisation will continue to deliver on its mission to Care, Discover and Teach through delivery of outstanding cancer services, world leading research and pioneering cancer education. It will bring together the strategic intentions of the clinical services, disease groups, R&I (led by Professor Fiona Blackhall, Director of R&I), Education (led by Professor Richard Fuller, Director of Education) and Clinical Outcomes (led by Dr Fabio Gomes, Director of Clinical Outcomes). Recognising the recently changed healthcare landscape, the refreshed strategy will emphasise collaborative working with partners across Greater Manchester and beyond with a focus of reducing cancer waits and tackling healthcare inequalities and identify supporting enablers and the key risks to be mitigated in deliver planning. 3 Timeline The process for refreshing the Christie strategy commenced in November 2021 and will publish the 5-year plan for 2023-2028 in March 2023. Milestones and engagement opportunities to date are set out in the table below Date Milestone Engagement November 2021 Outline plan for strategy refresh Board of Directors December 2021 Disease Group strategic intentions defined Collation of individual service strategies Disease Group (DG) intentions event 2 nd December Outputs shared with DG leads and presented at Clinical Advisory Group (CAG)
January to June 2022
Draft refresh of R&I, Education and Outcomes strategies
Multiple engagement episodes (e.g. CAG, CAG Briefing, CRSC, consultant and other clinical lead meetings etc) Stakeholder meetings co-ordinated by R&I, Education and Outcomes leads
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