Board of Directors papers 271022
Quarter No. of
Issue category
Service change (x3)
Communication and consultation over divisional change (x3) Behaviour of manager (x2) Behaviour of colleague Management of temporary contract Recruitment process (x2) Concern with Occupational Health Management of
Executive team member provided response
2022/23 Q2
Attitudes and behaviour (x3) Policies, procedures and processes (x7)
Staff member changed role Staff member considering raising more formal concern (x2) Staff member changed role Staff member raised concern with colleague Concern on hold Staff member considering options Staff member changed role Staff member considering raising more formal concern Being investigated and consideration given to more robust process Staff member raised with manager Datix entry and subsequent investigation On hold
performance Completion of paperwork Potential for IG breach
Service change
Service change (x1) Quality and safety (x2)
Manager overriding decision Decision making by person with relevant experience
4.3 The Christie - Q1 & Q2 2022/2023 concerns For the first six months of 2022/2023 the percentages for patient and worker safety concerns have increased but the small number of concerns means that one case can affect the overall percentage. Percentages in the table below use the denominator of number of contacts (22). Two joint concerns were shared with Senior management in confidence, i.e. concern passed over without names attached. Element of: Patient safety/quality 9.1% Worker safety 9.1% Who is speaking up? Senior leader 4.6% Manager 22.7% Worker 72.7% Anonymous 0.0%
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