Board of Directors papers 271022
5. Well-Led
5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary)
YTD Budget YTD Actual
£'000 (2,425) (1,106)
NHS Clinical - Block Contract Income
(138,589) (29,616)
(141,013) (30,723)
This report outlines the consolidated financial performance of The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and its wholly owned subsidiary The Christie Pharmacy Ltd.
NHS Clinical Income
Charitably funded capital donations
0 0
Donated CEF grant income Other non clinical income
(32,324) (200,528) 94,876 49,842 45,612 190,331 (10,198) (2,876) 22,441
(33,570) (205,624) 88,522 53,117 51,567 193,206 (12,417) (1,350) 22,679
(1,246) (5,095) (6,354)
I&E • The trust is reporting a month 6 position of £58k surplus compared to a breakeven plan within the latest plan submission of an annual break even control total. • The in month position for month 6 was a £1k surplus against a break even plan. • The month 6 I&E deficit is £8,912k, prior to adjusting for donated depreciation, charitably funded capital donations, donated grant income, donated consumables, transfers by absorption and impairments. • 2022-23 CIP - £3.2m has been identified at this stage against a recurrent 22/23 CIP plan of £7.3m. Balance sheet / liquidity • The cash balance is £160,008k. • Debtor days has remained the same at 8 days compared to the previous month. • Capital expenditure is 12.7% below the NHSI plan. Some schemes are ahead of plan but balanced by the IFRS 16 leases yet to be committed. Other • No profit from TCPC is realised at month 6 22-23 and is not expected until TCPC have generated their contractual agreed value, in line with previous
3,274 5,955 2,875
Other non pay
Total expenditure
Non operating income Non operating expenditure
(Surplus) / Deficit Exclude impairments
9,367 (7,000)
8,912 (7,000)
Exclude charitably funded capital donations Exclude donated CEF grant income
0 0 0 0 0
Exclude donated depreciation
Exclude consumables donated from DHSC
0 0 0
0 0 0
Exclude contributions to expenditure - inventory donated Exclude gains/(losses) from transfers by absorption Adjusted financial performance (surplus) / deficit
Exchequer Cash Balances 2022-23
£25,000 £50,000 £75,000 £100,000 £125,000 £150,000 £175,000 £200,000
Cash balances
years this is to be expected in quarter 3 of this year. • 30 day PSPP is at 98% for trade and 98% NHS.
Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23
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